Rock Bottom

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My skies are dark; thick clouds obscure even the faintest hint of light.
My world is cold. My heart colder still…
With one stroke, every iota of warmth sucked from within and without;

Yes the wind! Such ferocity, my life has scarcely experienced.
Everything bows in its wake, my head and my pride inclusive;
Rain, torrents of misery cast upon my beleaguered soul…

Long I had thought this storm would pass.
Long had I longed for but a sliver of golden ray.
My feet have long become dead weights, unsure, so unsteady.
When I begin to feel the purchase of solid ground, the next step, an icy cold murk bath.
The vestiges of warmth receding with every drop.
Cold like the tendrils of a wild vine creeping into my marrow;

Even if I were a vessel of the seas, such a tempest would my bows have overwhelmed;

How much lower can a person feel?
Even when I stumble upon some rare shelter amongst this bleakness,
The elements do conspire and short-lived is my succour;

In my despair I abhor even myself, despising what I have let become…

Oh God!… Oh God!!!

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About Me

Hi there! I’m Ifeanyi, a passionate writer who believes in the power of words to inspire and transform. My faith in Christ is the cornerstone of my life, and I’m committed to sharing my experiences and insights in a way that can help others grow closer to God. I’m also passionate about societal change, and I believe that writing can be a catalyst for positive change. In my blog, I’ll share my thoughts on a variety of topics, from faith and spirituality to social justice and personal growth. I hope you’ll join me on this journey of discovery and inspiration.